Biodiversity Heritage Library
Brand IdentityThe Biodiversity Heritage Library is an online archive of biodiversity literature. Its new identity is an ode to research, a process that can be both highly structured and guided by a clear aim, as well as disorderly and furthered by serendipitous discoveries. The logo reflects the BHL’s digital form, referencing highlighted text and the search bar—the starting point of any online inquiry.

Manifestly Donkeytown
Book Design3.75 x 7.25 inches, 150 pages, softcover
Before entertainment madness, frou-frou trees, and traffic hell, Los Angeles was an oil town. Fact is, it still is one, and the evidence is in plain sight—if we know what to look for. Derricks, pumpjacks (nodding donkeys), oil seeps, methane meters are all blended into the cityscape and our lives.
Manifestly Donkeytown offers a small survey of life around oil in Los Angeles. Its design references those ever-present drilling rigs, and that post-rain phenomenon of oil, floating back up to the surface of roads to reveal itself in an array of iridescent colors, a rancid beauty.

a, book, cloud
Book Design / Poster Design
7.75 x 9.5 inches, 420 pages, softcover
A, book, cloud is an investigation of the word “cloud” with a focus on the metaphor “the cloud.” It takes the essay “Cloud” by John Durham Peters as a starting point, and treats each word in the essay as a keyword in an attempt to illustrate the fractal-like nature of the internet, where complexity only leads to more complexity.

As Above, So Below
Book Design
7.5 × 10.25 inches, 198 pages, softcover
As Above, So Below is a book that speculates: what is our relationship with the pigeon, and how might the pigeon help us better understand what home is?

When the Sardine Can Looks Back
Book Design / Exhibition Identity
7.5 × 7.5 inches, 152 pages, hardcover
When the Sardine Can Looks Back is a group exhibition that examines how ordinary objects live. Its identity looks at the way things come in and out of our awareness. Following strict size parameters, type grows and shrinks, sometimes very obviously, at other times more subtly.